Monday, August 08, 2005

Fit Hai Kya !


A little bird twittered into my ear at 3 AM ! Goddamn sleepless bird I thought. It was only my alarm clock going off. No no, I am not mad waking up that early in the morn ... it's that guy Sketchy. Maan, he can get real weird ideas and the fun part is, he follows it up with some serious action. The guy does some holy circambulating every Thursday morn some 15000 times. He says he's not interested in a bride and all. What other earthly reason can get you off bed at 3 AM to walk a million miles !! He says the reason is not earthly. He is plain zany. I told him that. He doesn't believe me. Either you won't believe what I say next or you'll think I'm one of those guys who sees things, as in apparitions, first thing every morning. I swear on God (the same one Sketch circambulated) that at 5:45 AM when I opened my eyes and all, I saw Sketch doing push-ups on his bed. Clear as hell maan I tell you. I figured I hadn't woken up fully and so I promptly went back to sleep. Amen.

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